It's been a while since I wrote. In the past week quite a bit has happened. I went to school from Monday to Thursday and my mom let me have today, Friday off. Yesterday I found out that I made the Volleyball team!! I was excited, but not surpirsed because my coach said that this year she was going to put me left side (power) and some setter. One of my friends didn't make the team. She was really quite upset. I felt sorry for her. I hope she'll get over it and continue on with life (it sounds like a mid-life crisis or something, but it's not). Tonight we're having a pig roast at my house. It's going to be after the rehersal for my cousins wedding tomorrow. It'll be fun I'm sure!
Right now, I'm kinda cold and there are some people here. My opa was just talking to me about how to read my blog, and how he needs the website name. mom is in the kitchen preparing some salads for tonight and I'm on the computer. But now I think I'm going to go get something to eat and maybe have some hot chocolate (with milk). Yummm.
thanks for the post. congratulations on making the team!
Friday was a fun day wasn't it!
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