Saturday, January 27, 2007

Six Weird Things About Me:

Well, I have been tagged by my dear auntie Michele and I didn't know what that meant at first, but then I asked my dear auntie Linda and she told me. I now have to blog six weird things about me. So, here they are:
  • I like to eat my breakfast sausages with syrup on them. I had some for supper today and they were delicious.
  • I really don't like to read which I think is weird too because my mom is a HUGE reader.
  • My dog puts me to bed every night. He lays on my bed with me for about five minutes before I go to sleep.
  • I will do just about anything for candy. I get that from my mom. :-)
  • According to my youth leaders, I wear increadably bright clothing. Personally, I don't think it's that weird. I just like to wear colours. :)
  • I really like math. Math in grade 8 was way better than it is this year though.

That's all I got. I can't think of anything else anyways.


Krista said...

I like your bright clothes. They make me happy and blind all at the same time!

Linda said...

Welcome to the weird club. Glad that you joined us. Actually, I think it's weirder (is that a word?) that you ate your BREAKFAST sausage for supper. What's with that?:-)

mmichele said...

bright is good. so are heart-y pajama pants.