Tuesday, January 16, 2007

One week down...

I have officially made it through the first week of school. I know this is a little late but whatever. School was better than I thought it would be last week. It was acutally quite enjoyable. It was good to see my friends and hang out with them again. I didn't go to school on Friday because it was a cold day! :-) I was pretty happy about that!
On Thursday I got my hair cut. I got about two inches off and it is soo much better than it was! I really like it.
Well, I guess I don't really have much to say today but I'm just posting a little update.


Linda said...

Thanks for your update. And I love your hair!

mmichele said...

i was WONDERING what you've been up to... i hardly EVER see you, my goodness...

Krista said...

I wish you went to my school...

I'm back...... said...

Nice to hear from you. I am sure your new haircut looks amazing. I want to cut mine but my long hair keeps my neck warm in winter... Maybe I will cut it in spring!