Monday, November 13, 2006


Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in so long. I've been busy with volleyball and school. This blog is called Alisha because I didn't know what to call it and my cousin Alisha is sitting beside me and she came up with it.

So anyway. I've been busy with volleyball. I had my last round robin game last Thursday and we lost. I have one last tounrament this Friday and then that's it.
School has been busy too. I've been having quite a bit of homework lately and I've been going places during my spare at lunch. Nowhere really far away, but I still don't do my homework during spare! That's boring!

On Friday, my friend Rachel had a birthday party sleepover that I went to. It was pretty fun. We watched three movies within the course of 12 hours. We watched Shes the Man, Just my Luck and High School Musical. We had lots of fun. We had a fire outside and we roasted hot dogs on the fire and we ate a volleyball cake! It was pretty good.

Well, thats all for now folks!


mmichele said...

"Alisha" is a great title, I think.

Linda said...

Thanks for the new post. And thank Alisha too.

I'm back...... said...

This is Karen (Frank's sister, Alisha's sister-in-law). I came across your blog while reading Linda's blog.

I am sick at home with the cold so I figure sitting at the computer for an entire day may be productive. I enjoy reading your blog. Congratulations on making the volleyball team (belated congratulations), the pig roast in September was a lot of fun and I hope you enjoy your iPod. I have had mine since last Christmas and think it is the best invention ever made.

Calgary Lawn Solutions said...

I am enjoying my iPod. Whenever I listen to it my friends fight over the other headphone that I don't want!