Monday, September 03, 2007

This is probably my last blog before I start the new school year. That is kind of sad. I will miss the summer. It just flew by so fast, probably because I had so much fun. Camp was amazing and I'm so glad that I decided to go. These past two weeks I have been at home and it has been pretty boring. Our computer is broken, and I am at my aunt and uncles house right now writing this blog. All I have done, really is listen to music all day. I did hang out with my friends for a few days and I saw a movie with my cousin. But that's about it.
I start school on Wednesday, grade 10. I'm excited to see all of my friends again, but I'm not looking forward to the working part or the waking up early part. Anyways...that's all of my news.


Jae said...

One exciting part of September is...TYN starts again!!!!

mmichele said...

are you EVER going to blog again?