Saturday, July 21, 2007


So, the past three weeks I have been at camp, Bird River Bible Camp. It's been really fun. The first week was pretty hard. It was a youth week. There were lots of bad campers, who showed no respect, but then again, how are they supposed to know respect if they don't get it at home? Anyways, the first week I had sessions with the 7 other CIT's, Matt, Keegan, Mike, Kimberley, Kimmi, Naomi, and Katelyn. They were about growing spiritually and preparing us spiritually for our camp experience. That week we also cleaned bathrooms and did dishes after every meal. It was kind of sucky at first, but after a while you just got used to it. I had fun.
The second week was pretty much the same thing. The sessions were more about different types of campers and what to do with them. We still had to clean bathrooms and do dishes. That week we also got to help out with some skill sessions. I helped with basketball. It was pretty alright. The first basketball session was really hard because I was the only councilor there for about 15 minutes and the kids were running around and getting on the biking peoples bikes and they started disappearing. The second one was MUCH better. That weekend I ended up going to Kenora with a friend. She is the lifeguard at camp and I slept in the same cabin as her for two weeks, so I got to know her quite well. In Kenora, we went to see Husky the Musky fish and the tugboat across the road. We went downtown and went shopping. It was a good time.
This past week I was in a cabin with Kristin and Kimberley. It was really fun. I had an awesome time, therefore I am going back next week, and possibly two more weeks in August. I'm hooked. I also saw a bear cub this week. It was on Thursday, and it was on top of the garbage container right by the Dining Hall where we eat. Everyone was sent inside because of it. I didn't have to do anything that day. I only had one basketball skill session, but the whole bear incident was during that. It was pretty awesome.
Next week it is kids week and I am in a cabin again. It's gonna be so fun! I can't wait. Then the next week after that is volleyball camp for me! I'm so pumped! I love volleyball and I can't wait to see my friends that I'm going with!
Oh yeah! Then there was FOLK FESTIVAL!!! It was amazing. I had so much fun. I got to see all of my family and some friends from church, and listen to awesome music all weekend! I also ate super good food and drank amazing lemonade.
So, now I'm home again for the weekend. I already ate so much good food and I haven't even been home for 24 hours. Ahh, I love home, but camp is awesome too. Last week when we came back from Kenora, we drove into the camp driveway and it was like coming home. It was so weird.


Jae said...

Camp is the best time ever!! I'm so jealous!! Well hopefully I'll be able to see you at least once this summer!! Post some pictures!!

Linda said...

Love your camp update! It's good to have you home again.